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Subject: "WTB GOULD BAZOOKA DREDGE"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences For sale or Wanted items Topic #823
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unregistered user
12-10-07, 01:58 PM (MDT)
   I am looking for a Gould's Bazooka Dredge or someone who currently has or is using one. Please PM with INFO


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Member since 5-24-02
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12-10-07, 02:37 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #0
Ya can't PM an unregistered user.


Ah ain't no flatlander!

Welcome to the mountains, we're glad you're here! Please feel free to feed the coyotes, let your kids ride the bears. Picnic in the poison oak, drink beer, drive fast and pass on the curves. Our friendly Paramedics are waiting to serve you.

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Thought I was
unregistered user
12-10-07, 02:50 PM (MDT)
In response to message #1
   I thought I was registered. Tried hitting register and it won't allow me. It sends me through a loop of pages but won't allow me to register. Any help on this would be appreciated

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El Dorado
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12-10-07, 04:47 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #2
I can help, don't buy one.

El Dorado

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Golden Optimistadmin
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12-10-07, 04:51 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #3
I may not agree with Steve on a lot of things. I totally agree with him on this and his selection of P-Nutt.

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unregistered user
12-10-07, 08:58 PM (MDT)
In response to message #3
   Thanks El Dorado for the input. You have owned one personally and from that experience would recommend me not get one?

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El Dorado
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06-05-08, 06:06 PM (MDT)
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25. "RE: bxwrl nulhf"
In response to message #24

El Dorado

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Golden Optimistadmin
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06-05-08, 06:27 PM (MDT)
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26. "RE: bxwrl nulhf"
In response to message #25
We've been having s little spamming here. I'm about ready to set this forum to members only for posting.

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Golden Optimistadmin
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12-10-07, 04:49 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #2
Go to It should help you out. Let me know which step fails.

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unregistered user
12-10-07, 08:51 PM (MDT)
In response to message #4
   When I click top right register button I get this view and the loop starts

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Golden Optimistadmin
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12-10-07, 09:25 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #6
Lets take this one step at a time. Do you get this?

Are you clicking on the Accept Box?

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unregistered user
12-10-07, 10:05 PM (MDT)
In response to message #8
   When I hit accept button that's where it takes me what I am showing here
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Member since 12-11-07
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12-10-07, 10:12 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #9
   I got it to work this time Thanks

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Hoser John
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12-13-07, 07:02 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #10
   BAMBOOZALAJERKA- caveat emptor-Leonard I tried for days to keep quiet-oops-John

Hoser John

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Golden Optimistadmin
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12-13-07, 09:47 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #11
>BAMBOOZALAJERKA- caveat emptor-Leonard I tried for days to
>keep quiet-oops-John

I was wondering when you'd check in on the subject John.

I had a friend that had one. I only saw him try to use it a couple of times then he showed up with a brand new Keene 4" dredge which he still uses.

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Member since 12-11-07
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12-18-07, 02:55 PM (MDT)
Click to send private message to Ghoti Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #12
   Can I get your friends name. I am trying to find an actual owner or past owner of a Gould Bazooka. Seems people knows of someone who had one or saw one used or .... but still cannot connect me an actual owner. I will keep looking Thanks

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Hoser John
Member since 5-14-02
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12-19-07, 07:23 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #13
   I already told ya,owned-for a day or 2,and watched a dozen other suckers try to get the mother to work. I gave it away to a club raffle.I sold and manufactured equipment for MANY years and there is only "1" piece a equipment,and 1 man,I NEVER allowed in-John

Hoser John

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Member since 12-11-07
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12-19-07, 09:37 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #14
   >I already told ya,owned-for a day or 2,and watched a dozen
>other suckers try to get the mother to work. I gave it away
>to a club raffle.I sold and manufactured equipment for MANY
>years and there is only "1" piece a equipment,and 1 man,I
>NEVER allowed in-John

Could someone translate what the Hoser just wrote?

owned for a day or two?

watched other suckers try to get it to work

Sold and manufactured what type of equipment?

and there is only "1" piece a equipment,and 1 man,I
NEVER allowed in

That last statement just sounds way too personal.

I am researching the Gould Bazooka. I have plenty of info on Subbies, the Schmidt and Keene's but very little on the Gould.

You say "I already told ya" when your only other post on this thread was
"BAMBOOZALAJERKA- caveat emptor-Leonard I tried for days to keep quiet-oops-John
Hoser John"

Seems like you are posting here for someone else's benefit who knows the inside story about your experience with these devices. I appreciate you taking the time to respond but it is not very useful except to see it as a rant against a product with little knowledge as to why.

If this is something that has been covered on a thread in the past then a link to that thread would be most helpful. I am here not selling something but rather trying to research a product from previous owners

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Golden Optimistadmin
Member since 4-19-02
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12-19-07, 01:06 PM (MDT)
Click to EMail Golden%20Optimist Click to send private message to Golden%20Optimist Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #15
>Could someone translate what the Hoser just wrote?
>owned for a day or two?

He used to have one

>watched other suckers try to get it to work

Gave it to someone else and watched them try to get it to work. Evidently they had no better luck than he did.

>Sold and manufactured what type of equipment?

Hoser is almost a prospecting icon. Been around forever and used to own a prospecting store. Traveled almost everywhere. I would have to defer to him about the equipment he manufactured.
>and there is only "1" piece a equipment,and 1 man,I
>NEVER allowed in

I would guess he didn't like the answers that the manufacturer had to his questions on the equipment so he never sold any of it in his store.
>That last statement just sounds way too personal.
>I am researching the Gould Bazooka. I have plenty of info on
>Subbies, the Schmidt and Keene's but very little on the

I have posted in the past that a friend of mine had one and for our dredging in Colorado, it was almost entirely useless. I could go on about why but I feel it would be a waste of my time.

>Seems like you are posting here for someone else's benefit
>who knows the inside story about your experience with these
>devices. I appreciate you taking the time to respond but it
>is not very useful except to see it as a rant against a
>product with little knowledge as to why.

Do a forum search on Bazooka through all of the conferences and you will get some hits with links.

Personally, I have met Hoser and if he says red is green. I will start looking for the greenish tints.


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Member since 12-11-07
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12-19-07, 01:28 PM (MDT)
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In response to message #16
   Thank you for the translation. I have researched "Bazooka" to death and while both the Schmidt and Gould use the term Bazooka both are very different in the physics that are used to recover Gold. I have had people say, bazooka's in general are junk, Bazooka's are great, Schmidt's are good or they are bad. I have read similar discussions on a device called a Rotapan. I have one and use it and for me it is something I definitely will keep it. I bought it at a very good price, but from discussions on the forums most think it is a piece of junk. I have found out how wrong they were about the Rotapan I want to make sure that the complaints about the Gould Bazooka is justified and are from people who know first hand.

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Member since 11-1-05
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08-10-08, 11:28 AM (MDT)
Click to EMail sinsky Click to send private message to sinsky Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #0
   I too was in the same boat as you- the Gould sounds interesting in its portability and as I thought "how hard is it to catch gold??". So I bit and bought a 5" a couple of months ago to work on my small creek claim.

From what I can tell, it seems to work fine. It catches lots of black sand and fine gold- but I have as of yet to find any nugg's. But that may more likely be the lack of big gold in my creek and my suction issues (read below) rather than any problems with the Gould.

My issue with it (and who knows it may be any 5" dredge??) is that I bought the 5" version and it appears to use too much water and sucks down the pools in my creek. Not that that is a problem, but the creek is all bedrock and very narrow and short deep pools, with waterfall drop-offs. So literally in a matter of minutes the level of the pool is sucked down such that I am attempting to lift the water/rock slurry up 5' up to the Gould classifier (there isn't any other way to do it in my situation)- anyway it is getting rather tedious and I am figuring that I bought too much of a dredge for my limited application. With that kind of lift, I would probably have trouble with anything I would use. So it looks like I need to find a smaller dredge for my application.

So if you are still looking for a Gould, I may have one to sell.


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Member since 12-11-07
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08-27-08, 00:03 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #28
   I would be interested in it however I am a little confused as to why you are running out of water. If you set up your pump below you and are pumping it up to the suction nozzle it would work like a recirculation system. Set your pump down stream and use a longer hose to bring the water up to your system any water used would come back down to the pump.You may need 50' of layflat hose but that is a cheaper fix than selling this unit and buying another

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Member since 11-1-05
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08-28-08, 00:20 AM (MDT)
Click to EMail sinsky Click to send private message to sinsky Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #29
   This is a really small creek with a stair step set of waterfalls. If I set the pump up in the pool below, I'd have to pump the water up a 15 foot waterfall just to get to the pool I am dredging. The pool is so small that I cannot float the dredge in it and dump the tailings in the same pool. The pool is surrounded by a bedrock rim, so the sluice needs to be placed on the edge of the bedrock on the edge of the pool. When I suck the water down in the pool (and the water level drops) the slurry needs to go uphill (up to 5' as the water in the pool is sucked out) to the sluice box. It is not a good situation in a lot of ways.

I am acutually using the jet log and pump without the Gould riffles just to suck the water out of the pool so we can get down to the bottom (7' down) and wrestle straps around a couple of boulders to try to reposition them in the pool, so we can get to some of the crevices in the bottom of the pool.

It was a mistake getting a 5" anything in that creek. Although a 5" gravity suction system may work well for quickly sucking out the water in the pools in order to get in there to wrestle rocks instead of doing it underwater.

I think the Gould is better designed to be used underwater- and in my situation, a surface dredge sitting on the edge of a pool or on a gravel bar may be my only solution.


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El Dorado
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08-28-08, 07:22 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #30
Rick... that is some tough looking dredging, sure hope it is paying good

El Dorado

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Member since 11-1-05
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08-28-08, 08:12 AM (MDT)
Click to EMail sinsky Click to send private message to sinsky Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
In response to message #31
   We just started working this creek. This is the first hole on our way upstream. Trippy canyon. It is the side canyon of one of the regions richest hydraulic mines- so a crapload of tailings washed down this canyon. Just downstream from this location, there are gravel bars that go up 25 feet up the hillside. So at one time, I imagine this whole canyon was choked up with hydraulic tailings.

We did a little sniping upstream and found a nice little pennyweight nugget in a quartz seam.

Heres a photo of probably the next pool upstream I am going to work on. This weekend we will finally get to work on the bedrock cracks of the first pool (after we move the two huge boulders in the bottom)- then we will sample the next pool upstream.

Cool canyon- extremely steep access (clifflike almost), lots of bedrock and evidence that when the mine was running that the water level in this canyon may have been 15-20 feet high.


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Member since 11-1-05
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08-28-08, 08:24 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #31
   Steve- I got to be honest with you, we haven't found much except a lot of fines. I am kinda new to this dredging stuff, and my much more experienced partner of other claims suggested that this pool had already been dredged, but my other (more active partners) wanted to work this pool before we worked our way upstream.

We have spend one day a weekend most of the summer working this thing, and I don't think we could have put all the gold we have found within the confines of the space a dime takes up- size wise- net including depth). We jokingly call it our "hobby". And in all honesty, all the mining I do is a hobby- as I have never gone out and actually "made money" from any of the finds of a days worth of work. Its just fun to get out in the wilderness and work hard in the creek with the guys.

I think this claim has potential as there is no evidence whatsoever of any recent activity in the hellaciously steep canyon. And the last claim on it was in the 80's as per Geocommunicator.

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Member since 12-11-07
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08-29-08, 10:47 AM (MDT)
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In response to message #33
   Email me if you are thinking of selling it.
daveymorton (at) earthlink (dot) net

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