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Going to try making a sluice

PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:03 pm
by TRJ
Hey guys and gals;

I'm going to try my hand at making a sluice. Here on the east coast where I go most of the time the gold is very tiny. As such, I'm going to try my hand at building a sluice just to catch that fine gold. With that in mind, I have two questions concerning expanded metal.

Any suggestions on what size openings I should use? I was thinking 1/2" for a lot of small pockets but perhaps some of you have experience that is counter to my logic.

Secondly, do any of the nation wide retailers (Home Depot, Lowes, etc) carry expanded metal? If not, I guess I have to get busy calloing all of the metal fab places that I know of.

Thanks for any help;


Re: Going to try making a sluice

PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:11 pm
by TRJ
In case the dimensions matter, I'm going to make it either 10" or 12" wide and it will have a total length of 59". Why 59"? Because that is the maximum length that will fit into my Chevy Avalanche and let the tailgate shut. I plan to use about 10" of ribbed rubber followed buy about 48" of expanded metal over carpet. I'll put some sort of bolt-on flare or extra piece on the front end to use to feed the sluice.

My idea is to classify down to 1/4" then feed it thru the sluice.


Re: Going to try making a sluice

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:08 am
by Hoser John
Post state,city for help in obtaining materials from local area suppliers. 10" width is fine as 12" does require lots more water.-tons a au 2 u 2 -John :idea:

Re: Going to try making a sluice

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:37 am
by gtxkid
How did this come out.
I also want to make a sluice. :D
Seam i found out narrower works better for flow in small streams and creeks.
I want to hit the medium size.
10 inch seams to be the standard in the industry.
So 9 or 10 it is.
I also want to use some of the Gold Hog Mat.
Any suggestions you would have would help.