Leonard wrote:It has a lot of features that the old software didn't. A big item is it runs with a mysql database. ...
Leonard depending on the provider, make sure you get a daily dump to disk, of the mysql tables and you will be fine..
mysqldump -a DBNAME --user=MYSQLUSERNAME --password='MYSQLPASSWORD' > dumpath/dumpfilename.sql
-- this gets a backup of the database.
the MYSQLUSERNAME, and MYSQLPASSWORD are those you have in your config.php.
If you have Unix access I'd write a little 5 line script and place it in the scheduler to run at 04:00AM, it only takes about 10 seconds to dump the database to an importable SQL file, then back up your forum directory in a tar, to get pictures and other uploads.
such as:
tar -cxzf forums.tar.gz forums (from the root of your web space)
If the server is remote to you, but you have access to it via SSH, you could do a lot of this.
If you are using a provider like Godaddy or someone with CPANEL you likely have other hoops to jump through.
I am a Unix admin, it'd take about a minute for me to write something if you need help with it, just drop me a note.. I have several mysql/instances on several L*nux Boxes where back up is mission critical. It is sure a butt saver to have an open stable platform that works.
p.s. Looks like my Wyoming summer is gonna be with the wife and family at a Reunion at the YMCA of the Rockies.. May have to may a day trip to left hand canyon or blackhawk, or maybe i can talk the mrs into a trip to Buena before or Douglas Creek after the June 29th fiasco.