Hey everyone...
I've heard some folks after registering for my new Gold Adventures Forum are apparently having a hard time locating the Forum/threads on Forumotion.com.
Try using this URL below and see if it doesn't take you directly to the new Forum. Simply Login from this page using the "Login" button in the top navigation bar.
http://c17a.forumotion.com/c1-gold-adventures-forumshttp://c17a.forumotion.com/c1-gold-adventures-forumsHope this helps! I get there and Login every time no problem...
Again, sorry the old Gold Adventures Forum went off-line. I had nothing to do with that......couldn't recover it......lost a lot of info, data, Trip Reports, etc.
Let's begin again, with a clean slate.
Welcome one and all...
Randy Witham "C-17A"