by poprivit2 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:53 am
very important:
low intensisty vibration ( vibrator under a folded towel etc.) will heal up blood trama injurys in 1/3 of the normal time.
As you rest watching tv or what ever rest your hand on the vibrating device,
My wife had both big toe joints replaced and the vibration caused her to heal really fast, no yellowing or black and blue from the surgery. Dr asked what was up?? told him the procedury and he said he knew about it and would use it himself but couldnt perscribe it to others because it hadent become 'main stream ' yet.
I had a finger cut into from a grinder and after hospital stich up made a small vibrator out of a pager vibrator and a battery. velcroed it to the finger and after 2 days of batterys , removed the stiches to find it was 90% healed up!!
Many more stories but DO NOT USE ON SNAKE BITE OR SPIDER ETC it will spread the poision!!
Basically works like stiring soup.