by libertydave » Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:21 am
Out here in WA decided to change mining plans and use my 2-1/2" high-banker up on a friend's mining claim since every place I've gone the water was too low to dredge. This time I brought along a setup with plans use a Hydroforce nozzle (provides it's own water at the nozzle). I was planning to work some exposed bedrock on the upper benches, using the creek water for HB processing.
Got up to the site and there was not enough water to effectively operate the equipment. Came home and rechecked the local TV weather forecast..."continued warm (hot) weather and DRY"....with no 'measureable' rain during the next ten days.
I've lived in WA for over seventy years and suffered through every one of those "wet Washington" weather jokes but I can never recall it ever being this dry. We've had a hours amount of rainfall since June 1 (and a very warm winter). Can only hope for a wetter winter in 2016.
Liberty Dave