Mining Districts

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Mining Districts

Postby golden optimist » Sun May 22, 2016 7:11 am

I want to pass this on. It's a video on Mining Districts and very informative.

This video was voiced over by Scott Harn (ICMJ) and really explains a lot about Mining Districts. I spent 2 hours on the phone with Clark Pearson yesterday, and understand that Mining Districts are what we should focus on.

ICMJ The Power of Mining Districts
Presentation at the 2016 Gold Prospecting & Mining Summit in Placerville, California. The Power of Mining Districts: Restoring Access & Returning to Reasonab...

I would appreciate your passing this along to the miners.


(The notice in the video has the wrong phone #, should be 360-734-9495)
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Re: Mining Districts

Postby Hoser John » Sun May 22, 2016 10:24 am

How much has the Bohemian Mining District done---just got the Fed Supreme Court to throw out federal preemption for dredging. In all these years what good has been done. They were supplanted by Counties with a board of Supervisors for equality under the law. Feds MUST approve of them in the end and do you really think that Jefferson bs is gonna fly either. Trying to remove the foundation from politics( NO MATTER HOW ROTTEN IT IS) will be any better?? Just saying careful for what ya wish for as it'll just bite you in the anus and empty your wallet as feds will NEVER allow. Jus' more blue sky and bs to mt your wallet. Wish ya all the luck in the world...John
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