by Joe S (AK) » Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:52 pm
Well, for starters - will you have a good wood supply where you will be? If so, boil your water. In addition, there is always this - lifted from a public source:
Treating running clear water with Liquid Chlorine Bleach - 30 minutes "Pickling Time"
1 quart/1 liter ................... 3 drops
1/2 gallon/2 quarts/2 liters ... 5 drops
1 gallon / 4 liters ............... 1/8 teaspoon
5 gallons / 20 liters ............ 1/2 teaspoon
10 gallons / 40 liters .......... 1 teaspoon
Next - food. There is a surprising amount of dried or non refrigerated food that can be found at the supermarket. Rice, Beans, Spaghetti (there is also dried spaghetti sauce, too), dried biscuit mix (Bisquick), Drink Mix (Crystal Light), Coffee, Tea, Pancake Mix, Hamburger Helper, Beef Jerky - just go to the supermarket and stock up. For meat, consider some canned meat that doesn't need refrigeration. SOS is a real treat when you're hungry. Bacon lasts a long time - but it draws "Midnight Visitors".
Bread and rolls "go south" in a few days. Bisquick works very well to "finish strong" in the bread department. Eggs last for a Long Time at room temperature if they're not cracked. Dried Milk for cooking, Fresh milk is out, but ultra pasturized would work if unsweetened condensed milk won't.
Whenever practical use water instead of milk for mixes. Dried spices like Onion, Garlic, Pepper, Salt, Oregano etc weigh nothing and add variety.
LED flashlights last forever. A .357 Mag has a higher PSI rating than other Mags - contrary to what you might have heard - which makes it a superior weapon compared to most other hand guns. A 12 Ga with rifled slugs makes big holes to let lots of critical body fluids out.
OH, remember that 30 days of leave = 6 weeks - use the other 2 weeks wisely!
Joe - 39 years, 3 mos USAF