Gold Rush

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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:08 pm

Sheesh I dont get it. There are a bunch of folks that simply refuse to allow themselves to enjoy this show because it isn't authentic enough.
Do you guys enjoy John Wayne movies? If yes, have you ever tried riding a horse standing up with the reins in your teeth while shoot a rifle with each hand???
Do your own mining skills or knowledge so far outshine those on the show that you find it beneath you or insulting to even watch it?
Do you think crab fishermen react this way when they watch "Deadliest Catch"?

Who cares if it's contrived, every show on TV is.
Who cares if there's a villain or a hero, there is one on every series

This is entertainment...allow yourself to be entertained :?
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:22 pm

Sierra Sam wrote:In the first series, wasn't the old guy brought in as a consultant by the land owner? And wasn't the old guy a friend of the owner of the property? And wasn't it the fact that the owner decided NOT to extend the lease on the claim the reason the idiots had to move on?

Seems to me I was thinking at the time, that it was mighty clever for the owner to have the idiots dig where he told them to dig, then, after they'd spent their wad removing the overburden, all he (owner) had to do was break out his dredge after the next spring thaw! :lol:

I'm sure I wasn't the only one thinking that same thing. It's like inviting friends to spend the weekend trying their hand at prospecting on your claim, knowing full well they'd only have time to dig closer to bedrock, but never get there. Then, you go back to the hole they've so eagerly dug and reap the harvest.

Of course, then you;d have to sit back and wait for karma to play catch-up. :roll:

But then, I'm old and could very well have my recollections all screwed up. :?

Yes. the owner and Fred are friends and he was sent in to improve the gold production. No, the owner terminated the lease because the idiots (crew) failed to make a payment. The crew knew the lease was being terminated before they left Oregon. Mining that last 3/4 oz and getting all pizzed at Fred was know, like what actors do?

The owner did not tell them to dig where they did. Jack went crazy crazy with the shovel digging holes everywhere and he is the one who decided where the "Glory Hole" was.

Your comment about inviting friends to your claim is silly
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Sierra Sam » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:28 pm

Re: Bonaro - "...Your comment about inviting friends to your claim is silly..."

Silly? Hey, I've always said, a hole is only as deep as the next big rock.
It takes a lot of work to move a lot of rocks, and that translates into a lot of time.
Subtract all the time spent traveling to and from a dig and you have more time preparing to dig than spent digging.

With only a few more years left being physically capable of digging I figure it's all fair play. After all, I do share my Jack. And when I can't dig any longer, if they have the time and strength to dig my holes, more power to them.

It's like watching a little old lady working a slot machine for hours and snagging her machine when she's done. Now that's fair, right?



Sorry Bonaro, just jerkin' on yer chain :roll:
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby nebraskadad » Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:43 pm

dickb wrote:Don't forget there are 10 or more episodes already in the can. Mining season is all but over in the Northwest!

Enjoy the laughs, just don't expect to learn how to mine in AK or the Yukon.


Dick, I gave in. Thank god for DVR's.

Ok, DSC/TLC made it more interesting, thankfully Friday's episode saved it for me.
At least this year is no longer just about the Hoffman's fumbles.

the Kid (with more experience that most), a little uptight and emotional about grandpa. I remember being his age and helping my grand-dad on the farm wishing I could eventually take the rein, but family members had other plans after grandpa passed. I will root for the kids every time.
the evil experienced claim owner with experience professional crew, cleaning up the mess left by previous inhabitants, clearly the claim with plan in hand.

the resident idiots with a pissed off crew ready to stomp off and go pray at their Oregon cult for guidance (and funding)..

Fact is I've known or worked for people like all three. I've found I can learn from all three types.

Having worked for Father / Son team of harvesters back in the mid-70s with similar mental faculties as the Hoffman's I say gratefully thank god I was young and dumb, but survived their stupidity. The old man eventually got his combine plugged, with the old man in the cab, the son was cleaning out a plug up of moist wheat straw in a Massey Ferguson 760 Combine, and the Son was sucked into the combine and didn't stop till his body hit the concaves. The old man died a couple years later I am guessing with a great deal of remorse and guilt. I see this a real potential with the Hoffman's .. The Old Man running someone over. (maybe not sucking him into a Combine reel) but as bad.

Having been in the kid's shoes, and wanting so much to do what grandpa did, i identify with him. Hope he keeps his cool, and doesn' t go down the same path i did at his age. That is believing people who said it was too expensive to get into farming. Had i not listened I might have been farming instead of managing computers.. Life has a way of forcing choices on us.

And I've know a Fred or two in my day, I am guessing for dramatic flare we might see some tumult on this camp as well. Father / Son or other wise. Not enough information to determine the events.

For the Hoffmans' the writing is on the wall. Mistakes compound mistakes. A plugged combine can kill someone, as can careless use of heavy equipment.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:46 pm

I dont stand behing the little old ladies at the casino ...only because they can play for hours and I am waaaay too impatient :lol:
<hint> if you steal their cigarettes they will get up and go for more leaving their machine open :shock:
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby nebraskadad » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:12 pm

Bonaro wrote:I dont stand behing the little old ladies at the casino ...only because they can play for hours and I am waaaay too impatient :lol:
<hint> if you steal their cigarettes they will get up and go for more leaving their machine open :shock:

ha! never thought about stealing cigs that way.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:19 pm

Why bother the little old ladies. All they ever play is the nickel machines, You might as well joint the GR crew and get it over with. Tryiung to steal nickels from old ladies shame on you. :lol:
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:18 pm

Stealing candy from babies is not very challenging, smokes from a grandma can be life threatening :o
I usually feed the penny slots...far to cheap for anything bigger :(
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:21 am

Bonaro wrote:Stealing candy from babies is not very challenging, smokes from a grandma can be life threatening :o
I usually feed the penny slots...far to cheap for anything bigger :(

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Re: Gold Rush

Postby nebraskadad » Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:36 am

as an aside, saw a Fred outtake on DSC/TLC.. he said the Hoffman's did get in some hot water MHSA last year. ... ow-videos/
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