Here is an email that I received today. What it does not mention is that these 30 million or so new citizens will be voting for guess who?
Dear Friend of Border Control:
Whether you are thrilled or furious about the passage of President Obama's Health Care legislation, you are probably aware and concerned about some of the deals the President had to make with Congressmen in order to buy the votes necessary to pass his bill.
The one that has us worried was his meeting, just days before the House vote, with Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat from Illinois. Apparently, Obama bought Guiterrez' vote by promising to put immigration "reform" on a fast track. And, unlike most of the empty promises politicians make, the promises made in exchange for a vote are never broken.
That means that in the weeks and months ahead, you and I can expect a lot of activity, which is why I am emailing you today. When you signed up to get our email alerts, I promised never to waste your time or fill your mailing box constantly with a lot of useless information. Instead, I told you that I would email you only when your help was urgently needed.
Here's what's going on: Amnesty is going to be the next big battle in Congress. But in this battle, the Republicans won't be united in their opposition for amnesty like they were for health care. As you may recall, under President Bush, more than 50% of the Republicans were on the wrong side of the issue -- and we had to beat them up pretty badly before they found the courage to oppose their party's leadership and vote against amnesty.
Our job, yours and mine, is to expose what is in the new amnesty legislation; rally the Republicans against it; rally the blue dog Democrats (the good guys) against it; and get our friends and neighbors to join us in this effort.
If we can do this, we can stop amnesty once again. But if we fail, 30-40 million illegal aliens will get amnesty; become instant citizens; and climb on board President Obama's big new gravy train, complete with healthcare, welfare and all the trimmings -- that you and I will pay for the rest of our lives!
And if that happens, America really is sunk!
This letter is just a head's up for what is coming and a request that you forward this email to your friends, neighbors, relatives, urging them to add their voices to this effort by signing up to receive our Action Alerts so they can quickly communicate their concerns to the Representatives and Senators. If they do, we may yet be able to preserve the best parts of this wonderful country for our children and their children. We owe it to them.
Working together, I know we can stop this push for amnesty. Thanks again for your support for our work.
Edward I. Nelson
U.S. Border Control
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