Dealing with Environmentalists on their level!!

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Dealing with Environmentalists on their level!!

Postby Gold Seeker » Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:04 pm

This strategy was posted on another forum, I think this person is spot on when trying to fight the environuts out to take our rights away!!!


"I was going to stay out of this rant, but from all indications I mislaid my common-sense.

For several years I was among the bureaucrats. The one commonality is dependable funding. Every problem generates an additional funding argument.

Example: I was in the ops-center for the Exxon-Valdez oil spill. I listened to Ak DEC gleefully proclaim that they no longer would have a small budget.

It is the same for all agencies. Problem = funding.

The only practical course of action that will stand a chance of reversing this trend is to use the same tactics the environmentalists use. In our case, we can use actual science to back up our claims.

#1 Loudly and publicly proclaim that the environmentalists and EPA want to preserve the mercury problem. As long as the problem continues, the environmental groups have an emotional argument to maintain thier revenue stream and EPA gets additional funding to study the problem. Placer mining will remove the mercury and reduce funding. We must be willing to prove it.

#2 Continue to shout it from the rooftops until the media picks it up.

#3 Once media starts to report it, drag out overwhelming proof that we remove the mercury.

#4 Continue to hammer on the funding issue and the unwillingness for the eco-nuts and EPA to accept the proof of mercury abatement provided free of cost to the public by placer mining. Emphasize the drain of public revenue that the EPA is attempting to increase by maintaining the mercury problem rather than eliminate it at the lowest costs to the public.

#5 Once the media gets on a roll, the public will change their opinion.
Caution: the following will irritate many people. Do not continue reading if you are easily offended. You have been warned.
People are not well schooled in matters of science. A good emotional argument will sway the majority of people. Fear is the most effective of all mechanisms to manipulate these people. People are herd animals. Because of this, you must appeal to the herd mentality. Within each herd, there are a few spokesmen who will attack anyone outside the herd-think. These spokemen lack the scientific knowledge to argue the science, but will trot out and endless litany of their qualifications. (Remember: appeal to the masses.)

The trick to dealing with them is NEVER ARGUE WITHOUT THE MEDIA PRESENT and always stick to the science. You must ridicule their lack of scientific knowledge. Never give them any credit for anything; to do so increases their stature. ALWAYS ATTACK THEIR USE OF MONEY; it is all about the money.

Politicians are not your friend. If they parrot your arguments, don't screw with them. If they say nothing or maintain the eco-nut argument, attack their lack of scientific knowledge and their willingness to waste public monies. Never stop until they are unemployed.

The game is money and power. It has its own playbook and you better learn the rules. You play nice only when it is advantageous. Usually it isn't. Propaganda works. Never credit the opposition, never!The rules demand overwhelming force. Never enter the argument alone; take plenty of back-up that has their argument down pat. Never stop attacking the message and those who argue it. Stick to the argument and only bring in personalities when it deals with basis of the argument. You can attack their qualifications and should.

Go after the most verbal first. Seperate them from the herd. Ridicule their argument and use the science as your weapon. When one of their cohorts jumps in, have one of your back-ups do the same to the cohort. Nobody can stand up to ridicule in the public forum. Stick to the science and their lack of the scientific knowledge required to eliminate the problem.

When an action to eliminate the problem exists, placer mining as a means to remove mercury, always attack the need for a study. Ridicule it as a waste of public monies. Emphasize the current public debt and their willingness to add to it.

Emphasize the evidence that placer mining removes the mercury and studies remove money from your pocket.
Or, we can just keep whining and let them have their way. How do I know the above works? I read history.

If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.

You do what works. Nice is NOT in their playbook and so far they are winning."

End Quote:

Skip P.

God, Family, Friends, and Gold!!!
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Gold Seeker
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