Politically oriented information, blasts, kudo's for politician’s (probably won't be many of those)

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Postby eightymesh » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:55 am


by Gunny G
Fellow Patriots,

We have MUCH to be thankful for this Thanksgiving 2013.

"WHAT!" many of you think, seeing as how an incompetent clown is in the Spite House, lying, cheating, stealing, with a complicit Senate run by a senile sonofabitch, Dingy Reid, and with a host of other evil scumbags in both the Senate and the House, i.e., McLame, Grahamnesty, Upchuck Schumer, Nutsy Pelosi, Lisa Murkowski and Mark "60th vote for ObamaKare" Begich, to name a very few, ready to screw America and Americans over. A weak foreign policy that leaves Americans dead with nothing done about it, numerous scandals from this president that he calls "phony," and the Attorney General of the USA up on impeachment charges (FINALLY!). The country overrun by illegal aliens mooching and grubbing and taking that which they never paid into along with black thugs attacking innocent white people and Ol Piano Legs Clinton and her Impeached dirtbag husband trying to weasel their way into the White House for Lootfest II. Yet.

We should be thankful for:

1. A Creator who bestowed this nation on us. Who gave us Natural Law. Who continues to provide top cover for a nation that truly does not deserve it, especially when led by godless liberals and their communist/Muslim Brotherhood allies, only through his love of freedom and free will.

2. Founding Fathers who, geniuses in their own right, gave us the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, which serve to keep us free and are the torch of liberty for all to see and who staked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to give us a REPUBLIC not a goddamned democracy.

3. Men and women, not unlike the readers here, who now fight the good fight for the above documents against those like Obama, who seek to subvert and destroy them.

4. For a military full of good and true red-blooded American men and women, many of whom come from OUR families, who sacrifice with a minimum of bitching, moaning, and groaning. (A Happy Marine is a griping Marine)

5. For the Tea Party, The Heritage Foundation, Freedom Works, and any other organization or candidate who seeks to put good rock-solid Conservatives into office, to return this nation to the ways that made it prosperous, proud, strong, and a shining light on the hill to those seeking freedom and liberty from tyranny and who came in the FRONT DOOR.

6. For the food on our tables, raised by farmers who are up early, to bed early, work hard, and are who were and still are, the bedrock of this nation. We (and much of the world) eat because THEY grow it.

7. For one another. We Americans. We truly ARE a band of brothers and sisters (the Left is excluded) who ask for little, provide much, get up and go to work FIVE DAYS out of seven, and who only want to live in a nation that our Founders bequeathed to us. Free. Enjoying the fruits of OUR labor. Thriving under personal responsibility to pull your own weight. Mutual respect. Patriotism and love of OUR nation. Honesty and equal justice not laws for the elites and laws for the rest of us.

8. For, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

9. For, finally, a full ammo can and plenty of shooting irons to keep the tyrant and his tyranny in check. (Can't have enough guns or ammo)

10. And if the Gunny missed anyone or left anything out, Sin Loi.

Washington Praying at Valley Forge

Gunny G | November 28, 2013 at 11:08 am | URL:
"As long as I am an American citizen and American blood runs in these veins I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write, and to publish whatever I please on any subject." – Elijah Parish Lovejoy (1802-1837)
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