Civil War in America ???

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Civil War in America ???

Postby russau » Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:03 pm

Due to the current HORRIBLE events across our Country I feel and see a civil war at our foot steps . I hate to see or say this BUT it's all pointing that way to me !
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Re: Civil War in America ???

Postby Joe S (AK) » Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:14 am


It might not be as bad as it seems.

In only 5 months the mid term elections should put a screaming halt to this headlong (some say frantic) rush into the darkness. I suspect that this current political and social frenzy of those who live West of most of us (not you Jim) is simply a last ditch effort to get lifetimes of over-the-edge, radical thinking 'on the books' as laws before they are firmly voted out of office. Only 5 months Russ, not really that long in the great scheme of things.

Those who want the country to flourish seem to have the unified momentum now to slow and then stop the mindless, destructive push from those whose view points do not hold up to the standards of right and reason. If the headlong death spiral can be stopped in the voting booth then it's only two more years until the big test really happens in 2024.

I sometimes reflect that all miners are optimists. :) Careful, studied optimism is the core trait that we all share when the chips are down at the end of yet another long day. Every shovel full is hope, every pan is an optimistic excursion into expectation and every flake in the pan is another spark of renewed hope. Charlie Brown might "Wait 'till Next Year" but we only need wait for the next shovel full to continue to build the strength of hope.

I often reflect on the short time we spent in your back yard - a calm and soothing place you have there. Go out and sit there when you can and reflect on the past successes you have enjoyed and plan for more. Reflect on good times, good friends and ways to just make things better.

Peace, Brother. 8-)

Wiser Mining Through Many, Many Personal Mistakes (OOPS, "Personal Learning Situations")
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Joe S (AK)
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Re: Civil War in America ???

Postby Matt Mattson » Sat Jun 11, 2022 7:58 am

I would agree with Joe. We've got a lot more going for us than agin' us. We've simply got to rebuild the nation - in my lifetime we've gone from needing nothing to can't even produce our own baby formula . . . The politicians we put in place really did a number on us and we've got to put responsible people in office (I don't care about party). Responsible people is what we need.
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Re: Civil War in America ???

Postby russau » Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:35 pm

Thankyou Joe for those words ! Matt and to think that "we the people" got those one way thinking people into office . I don't think many people are doing ANY research into the people they are voting for anymore !
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Re: Civil War in America ???

Postby Matt Mattson » Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:56 am

Russ: that's probably the hardest pill to swallow of all we (the collective we) did it to ourselves by electing these idiots. Agree on the research - most are where we were when all this was going on - working our butts off and not much time for much else. I guess it's always been the case.
Matt Mattson
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Re: Civil War in America ???

Postby russau » Tue Jun 14, 2022 3:45 am

The way I see it happening lately ,the political party's them selves' are bringing this on ! All the infighting and party stuff and the "we the people" NOT doing their own research into what these "people" that we vote into office actually do when they get "their foot into the door" to me is UNAMERICAN as all get out ! They don't listen to we the people's actual vote or even they say they listen to our actual face to face question's BUT turn around and do what "their party" tells them to do in contrary to our vote's ! And the fur has been flying like crazy ! Jan. 6 is a prime example of what is happening in our Country lately , and I don't see it changing any time soon ! Plus with all that is also happening (Covid 19 and it's variants , the cost of fuel for our vehicles , the weather , cost of food and on and on . Where / when will it stop ? I've heard people are quitting work because of the cost of fuel and they can't afford to drive to work in some cases . I've limited my driveling and have combined my trips to the store . I DON'T see any good coming out of it in any time soon if all keeps at this pace ! There are Department's in our own gubermint that think they can make / change rules and laws on their own to soot their own wacoenviromentalterriorist ideology ,even when it's proven in court that they are WRONG and it goes on repeatedly over and over ! Show me where I'm wrong ..........Past history is repeated and we are still making the same mistakes we made before and haven't learned yet ! I'm against party line voting ! I say do your research into what these people's voting record is OR what their intension's are IF they do get into office AND follow the money they get to run for office or keep their job's .I vote for the people that are for America and Her people's welfare BEFORE the party's "wants' . I don's believe for a min that "we the people" are what these party's are all about OR their main objective ! I vote for people that "say" they are for the Country & Her people BEFORE the party's want's and I keep a eye on their actual voting record ,IF they end up lying to me & "we the people" that's my LAST vote /support for them . I have talked to a lot of so called representatives in my state and I hear a redundant reply that they came to run for office with the "we the people" as their main goal and are told from "their party" that that isn't going to fly and IF they pursued this line of action , they WILLNOT GET ANY SUPPORT FROM THE PARTY ! YOU DO THE PARTY''S program or you WILL NOT GET ANYTHING SUPPORTED BY THE PARTY ! Whether it's a state resolution , law or even Federal law or vote's the electoral vote representative CAN and DOES change the people's vote to what that Electoral person wants. That grinds me down that they are allowed to do WITH IMPUNITY ! And they voted (years back) that they can lie about another party's / person's with impunity also BUT if you and or I do that we go to jail for lying to Federal authority's .............go figure ! :roll: I'm all cranked up so I need to go chop some wood to get my mind off this ! :roll:
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Re: Civil War in America ???

Postby russau » Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:44 am

Well let's just hope that I'm WAAAAYYYYY off base on this and it'll never come to pass ! BUT if "wee the people" don't research into who they are voting for and their plans for us , then maybe I'm on track on this !
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