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Postby russau » Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:12 am

Topic's have really slowed down on the different gold site's and (to me ) there has been a lot of newer people posting and (to me ) some of them seem to be new to prospecting /mining and don't know the 1872 mining laws or any of the state's own laws. I admit that I don't know it all but I do listen to people that know a lot more than I do ! I also fear that5 there have been people posting and giving advice that "maybe" from environmental / Guberment groups or wacoenviromentalist's that just want to steer us in the wrong direction ! It has been shown up in the court's (word for word before) and it appears that they get their info from our own misinformation / interpretation of these laws. There are some people that do know the laws and give the correct info on the net. Trouble is that what do we believe to be true facts or just someone's idea of what they think the fact's / truth is ........Do your due diligence and have your paper work in a neatly organized folder to show those who approach you about your claim and your activity's on that piece of land ! This will help you and other's in the future if approached and your action's are questioned OR you get cited and end up in court ! I'm sure most of you do this anyway to protect yourself and your family's ! I hope you had a great year and a better year in 2023 ! :D
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Location: St. Louis Missouri

Re: Topic's

Postby Joe S (AK) » Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:25 am

Good advice there, Russ. While we all learn from one another there are, from time to time, Evil Ones who try to use misleading info to cause confusion and misdirection among law abiding characters like you and I.

Due Diligence is certainly something we (Good Guys) should strive to perform in minute detail. As to being accosted on our own claims - well, the burden of proof is the responsibility of the accusers. They are the ones who must have proof of their claims of wrongdoing and then, when in court, presenting our folders of documentation should prevail.

In the field, nose-to-nose with someone presenting something that just isn't true, isn't the time to whip out your file folder of documentation to debate the charges. Just like "debating" with a police officer over a traffic ticket nose-to-nose is never going to resolve the situation.

So yes, yes, yes be sure to keep all that legal stuff in a secure place - not to be hand carried every day on the claim to refute false accusations that might come along.

All the best to you, Russ. Springs-a-coming soon and the snow will retreat from it without doubt. Go look at seed packets in the store --- THAT'LL get you smiling!

Wiser Mining Through Many, Many Personal Mistakes (OOPS, "Personal Learning Situations")
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Joe S (AK)
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Re: Topic's

Postby russau » Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:26 am

All the best to you Joe and your wife & to everyone else ! :D
Posts: 5924
Joined: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:17 am
Location: St. Louis Missouri

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