Oh Leonard......... Now your embarrassing me, I really wouldn't have kicked you with the size 13 boot......
Glad you didn't show all the gold that came outta that "Glory Hole." Leonard was setup just about 20 yards below this hole, and Lord only knows how much gold he was holding back from us.
This was the year Leonard came out for the week, and introduced us to jalapeno scrambled eggs.
Tried to convince us they weren't that hot, as he was sweating profusely from his forehead with every bite.
Thanks for sharing that video, as I hadn't seen that in quite awhile. I actually had some hair (not a lot) in those days....
Hoser John,
NO..NO WAY that could happen. They have been working on the road for the last 2-3 weeks, and it's in great shape. I just talked with Rick 4 days ago, and they are set to open..
they have 11 out of 17 cabins filled for the first week, and than up to all 17 for the next. I'm sure this will still be a busy summer for them, as usual. They are having a Common Operation going on the 2nd week, as well as people working by themselves. I've done the Common a few times, and they are great fun. Highbankers, powers sluices, as well as the trommel working. . Sluices and highbankers will be operating up at The Ceaser's Diggin's, which is the private material that they run through the trommel for their own mining operation in the off season. John, I am very happy to tell you this news, and put to bed any rumor that the FS is going to shut them down. Mr. Rodman has so many GrandFather Clauses with the State of Calif. that they would be hard pressed to keep them closed. They, like every other mining operation, are restricted from any form of dredging, but not anything else. Elton was very active with the Lobbyists, and dropped a few dimes into the coffers for them. Long story about the restrictions, but save for another time...
Your Friend in Gold Mining....... John
Artificial Intelligence Is No Match For Natural Stupidity
God Bless Willie Nelson