the weather has not been nice for dredging in the Midwest. 100+ temps, creaks so dry the catfish have ticks. i could count all the Asian carps in the river as they headed up stream.
CalGoldDredger wrote:Figured that much. Got e-mail from him this morn. So it just tells me he doesn't check the forum very often not like you Russ.
yep! the heat/storms/fires kinda kept me close to home lately. ive also stopped going to some websites and im limiting my time on the computor,cause im getting old and lazier! my time is comeing when i wont be able to even do that! but our socalled "representatives" will probly stop us from doing anything except paying more taxs so the freebee handouts can still be handed out!
Massive earthquake hits N Costa Rica yesterday at 7.9 but Bill and hotel Fenix still standing,albeit rocking out, but dishes and such replaceable and BCR and loved ones not. Emails this am says all ok but I'm still trying to figure out why literally no news coverage???John