Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

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Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby golden optimist » Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:44 pm

As a citizen of Larimer County and as someone that has taken an oath of office twice, once in the Air Force and once as a member of the Denver Fire Department, I fully expect you to follow your oath to defend the constitution and use all of you powers as sheriff to fully back the 2nd amendment. I worked directly with the Denver Police Departmentr at the 911 call center in Denver so I am familiar with the problems faced by law enforcement but I also fear the results of a unarmed, defenseless, legal populace.

As a sheriff, you have much power given to you by the 10th amendment concerning supremacy of your power over the federal government. I expect you to use that power and fully enforce your oath of office.

I fully support the actions of the Utah Sheriffs' Association in their letter to the president. I have no way to include that in this email but if you want further information, please contact me.

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Re: Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby Hoser John » Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:02 am

We have 18 banded together here out on the coast BUT they are all elected constitutional sheriffs as appointed NOT the same. Give'm LL GO-John :D
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Re: Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby golden optimist » Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:57 am

I received a reply! The only problem is I don't have a facebook account and can't see what is there. Oh well, I should be able to see the position paper when it comes out.

Mr. Leeper,

Please refer to the Sheriff's Facebook page where he posted a position statement several weeks ago regarding this issue. I think you will find he is prepared to protect ALL rights as enunciated in the Constitution and Amendments therein.

Additionally, you will soon be hearing about a position paper which has been signed off by all Colorado sheriffs stating the same.

Sheriff Smith's facebook page is SheriffJustinSmith.

Thank you.
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Re: Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby tcfifer » Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:15 am

Matt Arnold

Colorado Sheriffs standing on 2nd Amendment

By my count, the number of Colorado Sheriffs standing firm on supporting the constitutional rights of Colorado citizens is growing; with the notable exception of Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson (friend of disgraced former Arapahoe County Sheriff Pat Sullivan, convicted of trading meth for sex with gay prostitutes), a strong majority of the highest ranking law enforcement officers in the majority of Colorado counties honor their oath. Please contact YOUR local sheriff and ask for their position:Do they stand with the citizens and the 2nd Amendment, or do they stand with untrammeled government power irrespective of constitutional authority? “An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County – 118 U.S. 425 (1886) UPDATE: The County Sheriffs of Colorado (CSOC) have issued a position paper on possible gun control legislation (taking an unequivocal stand in support of the constitutional rights of Colorado citizens):"County Sheriffs of Colorado voted... to oppose suggested state legislation that may limit 2nd Amendment rights." The running list of Colorado Sheriffs who have taken a public stand in defense of the 2nd Amendment rights of their constituents (listed alphabetically, by county): Custer Sheriff Sheriff Fred Jobe Elbert County Sheriff Shayne Heap ... 4519156708 El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa Garfield County Colorado Sheriff Lou Vallario Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith Mesa County Sheriff Stan Hilkey ... 60841.html Weld County Sheriff John Cooke ... n-violence Yuma County Sheriff Chad Day If you hear of another CO sheriff who makes a public announcement, post it as a comment to this note and I will update the note. Let's keep this rolling. We have the momentum! -- Some Colorado county sheriffs do NOT support standing up for 2nd Amendment causes. These are the sheriffs who think they need to enforce federal law, and may also at times suggest all gun control is a good thing. Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson Other Sheriffs who have yet to make an official statement, but are reputed to be actively or passively hostile to 2nd Amendment rights:Adams County Sheriff Douglas Darr Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle Denver County Sheriff Jefferson County Sheriff Ted Mink Summit County Sheriff John Minor

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Linda Reis I find it interesting that the counties whose sheriff's are not supporting US Constitution 2nd Amendment are also those who are majority leftists, aka democratic, aka socialist leaning, aka obam a supporters...

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Todd Melcher Well the peoples republics of Boulder and Denver are no big suprise

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Re: Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby russau » Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:50 pm

and what repercussions can be brought against a Sheriff that wont uphold his oath of office? or for any socalled "representative" of ours for that matter??
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Re: Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby Hoser John » Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:47 am

Thats the difference between a appointed sheriff and a elected by the people sheriff which is a constitutional sheriff-no oath(different oath??) when appointed was what they said out here in California at the HUGE meeting in Red Bluff last year.John
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Re: Here's what I sent to my local sheriff

Postby tommyknocker » Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:37 pm

Just see what has been thrown at Sheriff Joe Arpio (sp?) in Arizona...he has survived all the slings & arrows from the "Commies" 'cause he's elected. He keeps getting re-elected and always points out that he is.

Oh, just re-read your post Russ, if he is elected I would imagine he could be recalled...
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