To say the least, I'm impressed with the operation of the Gold Cube!! However, having a 3" dredge/highbanker combo unit doesn't allow owning one for a while. The cash out lay is too steep at the moment. I'm like Russ in a way. Equipment rich, cash poor and not to far behind health wise
I took about 25 gallons of concentrates I had classified down to 20 mesh to his house. About a gallon was some Alaska cons from friend who lives in Hope AK. Randy's GC made short work of the cons. I ended up with about 6 cups of super cons which I'll pan out over the next couple of weeks. I marked each run 1 and 2d tray. I even ran a 5 gallon bucket of cons that made it through 8 mesh but not 20. While the GC made short work of my cons, I wasn't fast when it came to scooping out the bucket into the GC. Sure is a bitch getting old
Then Randy did a demo of his perfected method of panning. 'Back wash and tap' on almost 12 grams of fine gold I could seem to get rid of all the black sand. I must say he has the patience of Job, when it comes to cleaning up gold in a finishing pan. Actually he could teach Job a thing or two about patience.