Well, did anything happen while I was away?...LOL just rying to get a little humour back in my life.
Yep, I'm back home, and have been snce Friday afternoon. as soon as I got home, I immediately went to bed and slept pretty muchh around the clock til Sat. Evening. My bod y was and still is in a pretty beat-up condition. So I've been treating myself as if I was still in the hospital.... very little moving about and certainly staying away from stress.
I want to thank each and everyone of you who have oferred up prayers and support for me and the family. It was an extremely close call this time and no one expected me to pull out of the nosedive I was in. The Drs. had Cathy call in everyone for what they thought would be the last time.
I still can't tell you all that happened because even the Drs. don't know what happened. we are still waiting on tests to return ...I have an appt Friday to see what the future holds.
Now, for news on the brighter side. I'm pretty sure that I got all the ordered cookbooks /spices have been shipped with only a couple of exceptions that will go out today. I hope you all have received them by now. If not, please let me know asap by email and I'll look up your order. I have another 50 on orderand they should be here by the end of the week.
More later, I gotta go see a lawyer now.
God Bless Yu All,