up comeing vote to declare party

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up comeing vote to declare party

Postby russau » Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:24 pm

this up coming vote to declare party affiliation, im voteing for dam-o-cratz. im voting all of the imcumbants out. then for the main vote comes .........im voteing for the person that helps America and Her people instead of "their" party! these selfsearving socalled "representaives" aren't helping America or Her people at all and I say THEY are the problem in getting us out of this slump "they" put us into! If it isn't for the good of our Country and Her people, what good are they!
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby Hoser John » Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:03 am

:evil: Give'm LL Russ...throw the bumbs out-Rethugliescum or Damnedoldratz don't matter anymore as at least 90% liers,thieves,addicts,perverts and tax evaders. Our congressmen/women have longer criminal records than most prisoners in jail. We had our free party election in early june and most interesting to see dumbo against dumbo and teabags against thugliescums what a hoot,end times closing in,clean your weapons and stock up that ammo as Agenda 21 is HERE NOW-John
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby russau » Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:33 am

it seems that the more these "frigin" damocraps around here where I live are hanging themselves and the couruption/stealing they have been doing is finnaly comeing out in print! im even going so far as to when we are supposed to declaire partys, im going to say Damocrap just so I can vote AGAINTS the current St. Louis County stupivisor! hes acting just like o in that he sidesteps the County Concil and goes around them even though hes required to do so! then when we do the voting ill go vote for an American that is going to help our Country and Her people! the American people need to wake up and see what these rip-off socalled "representatives" are doing to America and Her people!
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby Hoser John » Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:34 am

Sounds like he bought the Obummer cookbook on politics??Throw'm all out. Just published that our first all party erection had the worst turnout in history-23%--so less than 1 in 4 even gave a shizer-YAA democracy in action :x John
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby russau » Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:33 pm

well atleast on Tuesday Aug.5 we voted out a damovrap that was rapeing our county for 11 years. I voted as a damocrap in this primary to get this jerk out of office! he was acting and behaveing like o and weve had enough of that .....................stuff! now come election time the only person running for St.Louis County Exectutive ,that's (for now) has a beleiveable / realistic excuse for running for this position will get my vote. lets see if he will even come close to doing what he says he will do! all these "friggin" polititions are alike once they get into office!
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby Hoser John » Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:10 am

:lol: Amen Russ,they sell ya the pie in the sky to get into office,once elected them summabeaches throw it at you and tell ya to eat it aka Marie Antionette' "let them eat cake",heads should roll-John
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby russau » Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:06 am

yep ive already been removed from a lot of Miserys so called representatives Christmass lists! and from what ive heard, the Misery department of natural resources is printing out my comments on the web! id like to send them a big fu sometime but , ill hold my tounge for now!
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby Hoser John » Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:29 am

Discretion is the better part of valor.......but........so hard to do at times. They still trying to ban dredging or deal done already? John
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Re: up comeing vote to declare party

Postby russau » Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:03 am

John Misery keeps putting off telling me anything by reason of , "they are to busy to deal with it right now". I finally gave up asking and got someone else involved asking about it.
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