If you are plannining to do any prospecting on the north or middle fork of the American river between Auburn and Colfax check with the F&G. Rules may have changed according to Frank at Pioneer mining supplies in Auburn. I was told last Thurs. that you could only use hans and pans at the confluence, which is inside the boundries. This means no tools other than a pan, not even tweezers. 30,000 acres, what will they think of next?
Wonder which special interest group pushed the State into that? fishermen, rafters, greenies???? or was it the one with the most money? Something is terribly wrong with this whole deal.
New boss=new rules=each little forest king interperts the laws to their own sic perverse beliefs and we pay forevermore sayeth the raven-I've ran,and many friends, 6-8-10-12"ers in the friggn' place for over 30 years and you'd NEVER know there was a single rock moved as mother nature concels all within a year or so.This is a direct action due to the cancer from the klamath anti dredging BS as it runs rampent across the whole west -John
Here is some more info from the ICMJ website with some links to e-mail addresses where comments can be sent in regards to this and he also has a link for a copy of the closure order.