tig welders

Do-It-Yourself building projects and instructions

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Re: tig welders

Postby micropedes1 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:51 am

What Russau said!

On the exotic stuff or aluminum, there are times when you need to fill the tube with an inert gas to prevent it from oxidizing from the back side and weakening your weld. Might be a good idea on that winch frame if you go with the chrome moly steel, too.

Russau, have you ever made a first pass with a stainless rod to seal the backside? Then make your surface welds with 7018's. Less porousity.
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Re: tig welders

Postby russau » Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:42 pm

not using stainless rods, but for multiple passes i use the ole 6010/6013 for the root pass and 7018 for the rest. purgeing the inside of a tube is good idea for chrome molly and aluminum tubes but with John MIGing the mild steel tube he dont have to worry to much about cracking. id prefer to see him use the chrome molly tube, but it is really expensive to buy. they used to use ox/accet gas torch to weld it. to much heat!! now TIg is the norm.
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Re: tig welders

Postby CalGoldDredger » Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:24 pm

Thanks Russ.
Kind of what I thought, but wanted to eliminate the doubt.
I looked into thast chromoly. Lighter, stronger, yep$$$$>
I will stick with the steel. My dad made thirty plus winches out of 1/16" tubing and never had any problems.
I am still using one made in the 70's.
I am going with 1/8", as you can see from the heavy duty components I am not concerned with weight.
I am going for pulling strength. :twisted:

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Re: tig welders

Postby eightymesh » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:52 pm

the spool guns are quite handy just switch wire and you can weld any metal or hardface or use a flux core and weld steel without gas
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Re: tig welders

Postby CalGoldDredger » Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:05 pm

I might have to look into pickin' myself up one of those spool guns.
I want to make up an aluminum flare to replace an old crash box.
Too many project as it is right now. I will keep it in mind.

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