Any information related to prospecting

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Postby getterdone » Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:20 pm

A few might remember that back in the late 1970's early 1980's The Father en law of the
guy who put's out the prospecting magazine wrote articles on Dowsing. That was for dowsing
in the field & also how to dowse Maps.
I fact if you sent him a map & $25 he would dowse it for you. Had a area I needed dowse
and sent him the map & $25, this is a area where some real high grade gold had come from.
Well a month went by & I hadn't heard anything, but then got a letter from his daughter with my map
& check back, Turned out he died the day I sent the info to him. I am still looking for that same spot
have a buddy who does the dowsing but so far we have not found that rich spot.
I did buy his kit and info on how to dowse. I dowse a map & head out to that spot, had to park
about half mile away from the spot I had dowse, started walking to it and it began raining
hard & i talk my self out of going to the spot I dowsed, thinking this can't work. Well 30 years later
I was doing scanning of documents for a Title CO. and ran ran across a document where it showed that Chevron
Oil had staked a block of claims right where I had dowse years ago. If you can witch for water you can dowse for Gold.
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Postby russau » Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:50 am

Some say yes and some say ai'nt no f88888 way! There is/was a man in Nevada selling a electronic device (right now I can't remember it's name) but it is claimed to be able to detect precise metals at many depths and distances. It was/is very expensive to buy , BUT a friend of mine designed and built something that did similar results. It was NOT a knock off of this device but built from used electronic parts. I had the chance to try the original device from a friend that bought one. He hide a 1 oz. nugget in my yard and covered it with leaf's. I wanted to prove or disprove that it worked. It came with 1/8 brass brazing rod (similar to witching ) I walked around my yard wanting to see if these rod's would cross. After about 1/2 hour they did cross . The owner was laughing and said the gold nugget was between my feet. Sure enough , there it was when I moved the leaf's. We were going to reverse engineer it but he said we didn't need to do that ! he gave me a list of component's and he built 4 of these. The trouble is , it pointed us to every small speck of gold and in a subdivision there are lot's of gold in use i.e. phones ,electronics ! I have talked to other people around the states and they had also bought one of these devices and said they point to everything and really don't work ! I worked on that premise and thought this device needs to be detuned to spot certain size gold. the original rods were 1 /8 inch brass rods18 inch's long with 4 inch 90 degree handle. I fooled around with different diameter rods and different length, for a long time and came up with a 1/4 inch diameter rod with a 2 inch length and the 4 inch 90 degree handle. This rod would cross the rods of gold at 3/4 inch and bigger. Now I used the directions to set up this device and walk around the 10 foot diameter of around the device and put a small marker on that mark as the rods crossed , and once I completed that circumference I would move out another 10 foot and do the same. and so on until I see a positive direction of detected signals. Now I'd use my GPS and plot this direction on a 1/4 inch topo map of the area across the entire topo map. and dive to another location about 90 degree's 1/4 of a mile away and do this all over again and repete this another time . Now you should have a "X" marks the spot if it is still on the topo. ! Now get your metal detector out and go to work ! I did this one time out in New Mexico with a friend and a set of walkie talkies and it sent us to a arroyo full of black sand and fine gold . It was on a friends claim . It was fun to play with . Trouble is with electronic devices ,if you leave them "ON" and the battery runs low the current go's up and something's going to burn out. And this was the case with one of our device's. I brought this with me all over the Country and never really had a chance to use it to any degree . Infact most people laughed about it. I don't have it anymore BUT in my mind it worked neat ! GOOD LUCK
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Postby russau » Sun Feb 23, 2020 8:43 am

As I was saying before I got bumped off. Al of this depends on knowing the specific frequency of the gold your looking for. Everything known to man has a specific frequency that it will respond to ! To find out the frequency range you need a frequency generator. Put it's pos/neg leads out to one side for them to saturate the ground...…...Or table top when trying to read it's freq. Now place what ever metal / object between the leads and very slowly raise the freq. while holding (in each hand ) a brass rod 16 inchs long with a 90 degree bend for a handle. As your turning up the freq. watch for when the rods start to turn to cross each other. Then write down what that number (freq.) is ! Hopefully your freq. generator has a digital read out for this . This will work for anything (any metal or object)your looking for . I was working on being able to change the freq's for different metal's and also making to be able to change the freq. for a working metal detector but stopped on this . All these freq's are in the audio range . I hope this is of some interest to someone smarter than me ! I just ran out of energy & time ! :roll:
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Postby russau » Sun Feb 23, 2020 4:56 pm

My mind has been slipping on me BUT the name of the device is called "Omni- Rangemaster" It needs a 12vdc battery to power it !
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Postby russau » Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:29 pm

yea , I know ! It's real long winded for sure ! And the important parts aren't discussed...……….For instance multiple switchable tank circuits ( specifically tuned for specific metals) (gold , silver, platinum) that helps point out the metals you are looking for. positive and negative leads that are staked into the ground with brass stakes. A battery to power the thing. And the ear muffs to keep from listening to the doubters laughing!
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Postby Joe S (AK) » Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:22 pm

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Postby russau » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:12 am

Thanks Joe !! :D There looks to be hours of reading on these locations ! THANKS AGAIN ! :D
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Postby russau » Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:23 am

GETTERDONE I hope this "kinda" answered your question !
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Postby RiverGold » Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:16 am

I tried dowsing for gold once with brass rods. It lead me to a spot where I got very little gold. I moved to another spot recommended by a local prospector and that worked out well. A year later, I took a dowsing class. When I told my story to the instructor, he asked me what I was thinking to myself for a target at the time. I said I was focusing on "the best gold in this area". He said, "The dowsing may have worked, but you forgot to focus on depth. Your gold pocket may have been ten feet down." I guess I need to try again and focus on something within 3-4 feet deep.

It is not rocket science, but experienced dowsers agree there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it. I recommend taking a hands-on class if you are interested in it.

I know that dowsing works because I have used it to find buried water lines and electrical lines. In both cases, there was no way it could have just been chance that I found them. The areas were between 50-150 acres of wild grassland - infinite possibilities of mistakes, but only one possibility of success. I nailed it every time within 4-6 horizontal inches. I followed one electrical line through 3' high grass for about 1000 feet to find a well head that was not visible in the high grass.

So far, no luck on gold, though. I need to retry with a focus on depth.
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Postby russau » Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:10 pm

I was introduced to dowsing from a guy I used to work with about +25 years ago.. He had these brass rods and said he could find the water / electric lines with it...………..I heard of water witching with tree branch's but not with brass rods. So he began to demo his ability. sure enough there they were. he told me to try it out and showed me how to NOT hold the rods. He said hold them loosely and level , let the rods do the work . I did as he told me and YEP they crossed when I went over the lines ! Then about the same time a friend of mine bought the Omni Range Master for a ungodly amount of money. He came over to my home to try it out . At that point I was neither a believer or a disbeliever ! I just wanted to prove to myself that this new thing worked. I live in a sub-division and there's lot's of gold in everything in homes / business etc. and thusly these device's would show it all EXCEPT for the size /weight of the gold. I'm hooked by then ! I got talking to some friends of mine about these thigs and thought of opening it up and reverse engineer AFTER we talk to the owner. Well he said NO ! so I talked with the other guy's about it and my friend Chuck said he dint need to open it up and "copy" this design to build one. So we have 4 people involved in this group and they all wanted one. So Chuck gave me a list of part's to buy (we split the cost of the part's by 4 ) from a used electronics' shop here in good ole Misery . So at this point we had $150. in part's. Chuck built them and we all gathered to try her out ! you couldn't wear any gold to use it and it did point to every gold speck in the town. FAILURE ???? What did we do wrong I'm thinking>>>>>>>>>>>One thing we found out is that you CANNOT leave this unit on and leave it to the next day !!!!! It but out some parts. We rebuilt it and knowing NOT to leave it on for a long time or ELSE ! And another thing we found out that it needed to be DE-TUNED to pick up bigger NOT smaller gold. I found that the standard brass rods were VERY sensitive and see's all gold ! I played around with longer ,shorted ,smaller dia. and bigger diameter brass rod's and came up with a brass rod that had a 4 inch. handle and 2 inch pointer with the end pointed. It worked like that and would not see small pickers BUT did see 3/4 -1 OZ. nuggets. I talked to Phil Hontz in Albq. New Mexico about it and he said they just don't work. Infact he had one and tried to make it work but ( like I found out ) it pointed to every speck of gold . there's LOT's of nea sayer's about long range detector's But these people are looking for a plug & play device...….. These aren't plug & play ! Imagine the first guy to try out a metal detector during the war and he's told to go out and sweep the road for bombs...……..I bet he was a "little skeptical and more nervous until he figured it out! :D
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