golden optimist wrote:Matt, I think you need to move to the Rocky Mountains. All these hurricanes are telling you something. Here, as long as you stay out of the forests and the flood plains, we are pretty much safe. Hope you remain safe. We have the occasional mountain lion, bear, moose, or rattlesnake but they are a few and far between.
I get it - but it is much safer here than where we were, eyeball to eye-wall with them at 12 feet from the water. Here it's 115 miles to the nearest Gulf waters at Panama City Beach. I'll take it. Just so you know, this one is slated to throw us a good 2 day rain, but not much more. I do pity the people down in the impact area, they've caught 3 in a row and I know how that feels. The storm that leveled Geno was the 2nd of three that got us - he had the full hit, then we got #3 over Hernando Beach. It was kind of a screwy one and hard to predict, I decided to hitch up the C-Dory and abandon ship, heading N. on 19 only to find people running out of gas panicking and fist fighting each other in the ditch and whatnot. Found a break and headed East to Gainesville, FL and stopped at the rest area only to find the thing was now heading E and I ended up going through a hurricane at a rest stop. The C-Dory was between two tractor trailers, would have lost it if not so.
Anyway, this will be a piece of cake compared to that kind of stuff. Glad to be out of there.