Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

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Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby DiggerD » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:22 pm

Hey all,
I'm building an over/under and I was wondering what the school of thought on using ribbed carpet or miners moss in the lower section. I'm leaning more toward carpet because of concerns of loading up the moss with way too much in cons. But, I'm looking at the expanded sitting on my carpet and worry about the occasional gap that might let the heavies slip through. So, I'm kinda perplexed. Would the gap under the expanded that let a piece through get caught by the next section of expanded that was sealed up and so forth? Or am I just over thinking this? :oops:
Thanks for any comments on this.
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby CalGoldDredger » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:45 pm

I would lay carpet, then top with expanded metal, then cap it off with some short low profile riffles.

You are right about the moss would plugup due to the low water velocity in the under box, I use some moss ussually at the upper end of the top box.

Good Luck
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby Hoser John » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:57 am

:lol: You have expanded under your dredge riffles-now thats been costing ya. Expanded is ONLY for a sluicebox with a hungarian(lip to seal at the bottom)and not a modified hungarian(lip at top)dredge riffles. Just take a flashlight and shine it on them riffles--see the light underneath--thats where your gold has been escaping through and outta your box. Ribbed carpet excellent for a under-we spent many years(over25 now)utilizing our unders and keeping them outta the water is a must also. When submurged the garbage fills up and blonde sands adios you righteous oro puro. Moss- good to clean your boots on,thats about it for me. Pain in the arse cements and impacts way tooooo easy for me. Thats why we engineered the o/u tech to eliminate and simplyfy and increase fines retention. Different strokes for different folks BUT KEEP IT SIMPLE-the more garbage you pile on the more % you lose as NOTHING is 100%-tons a u 2 u 2 -john
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby gunnmetal » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:40 am

Hoser John,
Do you have pictures of your over/under set-up you could post?
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby CalGoldDredger » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:29 am

Thank you, thank you, Hoser- I shall have me a look. It is a Keene so no surprise to me.
I would rather just a single old school sluice not much need for this fancy fine gold recovery here anyhow.
Just ain't there so no point except some great exercise of packing extra weight around.
Rolled and Pounded but not Pulverized maybe way down near the valley.
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby Hoser John » Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:57 am

GM-extremely busy but I'll see if my son can look it up for me. Dredge is in the water and resize BS on net is a pain so pm your real email for much faster results-John
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby gunnmetal » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:26 am

email address sent
thanks Hoser John
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby DiggerD » Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:41 am

Thanks for the input Hoser John, helped with my confidence in this setup. I'm using the guide over on 49'er Mikes in the DIY section. BTW Hoser, Is the "3/16 punch plate 3/16"x 3 = 9/16" gap between upper and lower sluice sections, consistent with sluices you built during you're dredge building days?
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby Hoser John » Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:31 am

I need the size of dredge to accurately answer your question as to if thats a good size punch and distance from the seperator plate-John son off this weekend and I believe he has some free time. I have WATER for a few more days so internet 4-6 am playtime is my only time to relax-John
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Re: Ribbed or Nomad? Old argument, I know...

Postby DiggerD » Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:58 pm

She's a 3"
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