Don't get me wrong guys,I believe that everyone deserves to work.But,these people should learn to speak our language if their gonna be here.I have a couple friends that are Mexican and they are honest hard working guys, but they speak and read english very well. My heart just hurts when I see these people get preferential treatment over our own citizens. I drive a crapped out truck and get to watch these folk drive brand new trucks, and not cheap ones eigther!!! Oh well, nothing I can do against this govt.
its everywhere i go, we see this! i see also that our democrat socalled "representatives" want to give these people a American drivers licenses. why in the world would they do that?? they can get a international drivers license now and legally without these socalled "representatives" telling us to bend over for them!
Done deal in kalif already--I can't get a license without a birht certificate but wets can.. My gkids can't afford college but wetbacks get free college educations now from the state-----on and on and --death of america is here as the insanity continues unabated--John
Instead of sending the roaches to collage why don't they make it manditory that if their here they all have to take english classes! Just a little common sence would be nice!!! But a dead deal now.