Apples and oranges. You are talking about mortgage foreclsure and this was a lease default.
The claim owner obviously leased it for a monthly payment. Additionally he was to get a share of the gold which was rediculously substandard due to the fact the crew had no working knowledge of mining. They also made a huge mess out of the property and potentially burried the fabled glory hole under 1000 yards of tailings. Their sampling program consisted of Jack tossing his hat and digging where it landed. If I were the claim owner I would be pining for a way to evict them just because of this.
Then Todd skipped a payment...oopsie.
If Todd had the finantial standing buy the claim or testicular fortitude to call the owner and work out a deal, this would have ended differently. Fred had both and that is why he now owns the claim and kicked off the squatters...good for him, I would done the same thing.
This isnt about the little guy getting screwed, it's about the stupid guy living up to his destiny.