Gold Rush

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Gold Rush

Postby golden optimist » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:13 pm

Well, they did it again! What more can I say.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby YellowFever » Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:37 pm

The Retards are back!
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Hoser John » Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:32 am

:D Well at least I got to sleep laughing GO :D The sly ol'gray fox beats the rotund turtle to the hole :lol: Them boyz definately made dough offa Discovery channel as they were waddling along like penguins or Cher's she he hahahaha-John
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:03 am

Never work a claim you don't own.
I broke my rule and watched, looks like they did all the work and now somebody else is picking up the gold.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Reno badboy » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:39 am

Situation normal, little guy does all the work then some fatcat comes along and steals it! Shoot them all!!! Id of buried the hole, with the ol' fart in it!!!
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby golden optimist » Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:33 am

Reno badboy wrote:Situation normal, little guy does all the work then some fatcat comes along and steals it! Shoot them all!!! Id of buried the hole, with the ol' fart in it!!!

I don't blame old Fred one bit. If you have a lease, you pay the lease. If you don't pay, the contract is null and void. To make it worse, the crew shows up without even talking to the claim owner. The asked for everything they got!
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby russau » Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:57 am

they broke two rookie rules right off. didnt include wording about how the claim is tobe handeled while still under contract to use.(sold/leased to another person,and they late or missed the lease fee. duh!then he raped them for the equipment,but how could they have moved it anyway,and where to? im glad the old man kept his digger!theyre going to need it!
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:22 pm

Well you got to feel sorry for them. They didn't deliberatly try to rip the guy off. Shit happens and normally if some body owes you some money,- the average individual give you a call and says hey buddy did you forget about me, where is my money. It seems to me that they were just waiting for something like that to get rid off them. It just appears like they set them up could be wrong but?-- I learned long ago, Don't trust any body. I trust my wife and I trust my dog and I trust some of my old Army buddies, beyond that it is a big universe.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby libertydave » Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:35 am

Hey, All-

Remember you are only seeing the "Gold Rush" story as produced by the Discovery Channel folks, for commercial ad sales and intended for entertaining a viewing audience. As such it appears to again have hit the top of the Friday night ratings.

Who knows what really happened here but I'd also agree that while Todd messed up by not making his claim lease payment however the property owner did no follow laws requiring notification of default in lease payment or advise of his intent of property foreclosure. This is no different than the home foreclosure laws that protect lenders such as banks and mortgage institutions.

Another screw-up by Todd is that given that the crew later physically vacated the Procupine Creek property (assumed) after Dakota Fred showed up, by and large the Hoffmans relinquished up any remaining entitlement to this property.

But this is TV so behind the cameras who really writes the script? LD
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:32 pm

Apples and oranges. You are talking about mortgage foreclsure and this was a lease default.
The claim owner obviously leased it for a monthly payment. Additionally he was to get a share of the gold which was rediculously substandard due to the fact the crew had no working knowledge of mining. They also made a huge mess out of the property and potentially burried the fabled glory hole under 1000 yards of tailings. Their sampling program consisted of Jack tossing his hat and digging where it landed. If I were the claim owner I would be pining for a way to evict them just because of this.
Then Todd skipped a payment...oopsie.

If Todd had the finantial standing buy the claim or testicular fortitude to call the owner and work out a deal, this would have ended differently. Fred had both and that is why he now owns the claim and kicked off the squatters...good for him, I would done the same thing.

This isnt about the little guy getting screwed, it's about the stupid guy living up to his destiny. :lol:
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