Gold Rush

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Re: Gold Rush

Postby dickb » Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:52 pm

Guys get a grip, this is just a soap opera for guys. IT AIN"T FOR REAL.

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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:09 pm

You are 100% correct...whats your point? :?
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:21 am

You can't blame it all on the "so called miners" because the claim owner did know that they had no experience. To me it rests all on the claim owner he's the one that agreed to the deal he's got nothing to gripe about. Maybe the crew is not the problem but the idiot claim owner.
Then again I could be wrong, but it is a REALITY SHOW after all.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:31 pm

The owner leased the claim for a 20% cut of the gold and an undisclosed monthly payment. I am sure the owner had certain expectations about how big his 20% would be and possibly noted that in the lease. This is his claim and he knows the gold on it. Dakota Fred is also a long time friend of the owner and has worked the Porcupine claim in the past. He also probably did not test the crews ability to mine as they are pretty good at talking themselves up. The small amount of gold recovered was directly related to the crews gross inexperience in mining and refusal to listen to advice from everyone around them.

The claim onwer did nothing wrong. The crew failed to perform and then skipped a payment. The owner had a long stand offer to sell the claim and when Todd broke the lease he took it.

If you skip a payment on your credit card one time, your intrest rate will go way up. This is then reported on your credit and all of your other intrest rates will in turn go up. Your card issuer will not call you and make you feel better or offer you a free pass, they will nail you. This is not the card issuers fault, it is yours for skipping a payment.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby russau » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:40 pm

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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:05 pm

Yes, reality go go.

"The claim owner did nothing wrong. The crew failed to perform and then skipped a payment. The owner had a long stand offer to sell the claim and when Todd broke the lease he took it."
I'm not saying that the claim owner did anything wrong. I'm saying that the claim owner is a IDIOT. You don't hire somebody that has no experience to work your claim and expect to get professional results. Same like any smart person wouldn't hire a ditch digger to reroof their home, and no offense to ditch-diggers implied if you expect results hire the right kind of people to do the work you want done.
The Claim owner is stupid, that's all
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:12 pm

I get what you are saying but I am not so sure. I dont know what the fine print of the lease said. As far as the crew is concerned...Todd talks a pretty good game...matter of fact, he is so full of BS that his eyes are probably brown. The old goat face Jack talks and acts like he invented gold mining and the rest are just loyal sheep. I can see where the owner was fooled into thinking the crew could pull it off. The owner is too old to mine it himself and in any case he really had nothing to lose....maybe not such an idiot... or maybe he knew he would not get professional results and let them in anyway because they wanted it so bad :ugeek:
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby DJR » Wed Nov 02, 2011 6:57 am

The Former claim owner is stupid.
If you get that old and you can't figure out that some body is feeding you a bunch of Bovine Fecal Matter, you'um stupid. besides he knew they had no experience. Then instead of talking to them he screwed them with his buddy the claim jumper, (his words not mine).

All in all it doesn't matter, but I tell you one thing the real question is would you do business with either ( Former claim owner or Claim jumper) of them?
In a business transaction trust is everything. And personally I think if the individual you do business with makes a mistake, it at the very least deserves a phone call.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby libertydave » Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:36 am

The story has not just two but three sides....(1) the Hoffman's situation and their occupying the property and proceeding with mining operations under the terms of the original lease, (2) the owner's action to proceed with the property sale but without formal and prior written notification of lease default by the Hoffmans and (3) what really happened and what is not presented in the TV production. If you have an interest in this beyond our postings check out the posts on the Discovery Gold Rush forum. Interesting arguements and actually more legally complicated than it might appear.
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Re: Gold Rush

Postby Bonaro » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:23 pm

True but even with that info, things are probably not what they seem.
If the eviction was unjust there will be a legal challenge by Todd...but he said it was all legal.
I am sure it is all contrived
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